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Branża: Working specialties, production

Olena Dufanets


1 min. reading

We are looking for: men and women under the age of 55.  Work hours: Monday through...

Olena Dufanets


1 min. reading

We offer work for men, women. Work schedule: Work Monday through Friday, one shift from...

Olena Dufanets


1 min. reading

We offer work for women up to 55 years old Work hours: Work from Monday to Friday from...

Olena Dufanets


1 min. reading

We offer jobs for men up to age 55. Work hours: Work Monday to Friday from 6:00 to 15:00...

Olena Dufanets


1 min. reading

We offer jobs for men, women and couples Rate: 4200 to 6000 PLN net per month.The rate...