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Would you like to become our partner? Do you have a candidate base? Join our outsourcing company and take advantage of the unique opportunities KONO offers you.

We offer attractive terms of co-operation, including competitive commission rates and access to interesting job offers. We provide support at every stage of the recruitment process, marketing materials and short training sessions explaining the stages of our co-operation.

By joining our team, you will get an additional source of income and an opportunity for personal and professional development in an international environment.

Working with us is a step towards success and realisation of your professional ambitions.


We offer development opportunities for our partners. Here are a few suggestions for co-operation with KONO

online consultation with a recruiter

Once the partnership is established, we will organise a mandatory online consultation with our recruiter. At this stage, we will present the details of the partnership, clarify expectations and answer any questions. This is also a great opportunity to get to know each other better and understand the expectations of both parties.

Content Support

We provide the necessary content on Google Drive to help you better present our work and understand our industry.

Loyalty Package

Take advantage of a loyalty programme that gives you additional earning opportunities. The more people you recruit, the more money you make.

Webinars and online conferences

Participate in webinars and online conferences where industry experts share their knowledge and partners have the opportunity to ask questions and speak directly with company leaders.

Are you looking for a job?

Contact us and we will help you find

the right job for you!

Email icon
Phone icon
+48 604 316 316

Would you like to become our agent?

We are looking for Agents/Partners. You can become a part of KONO and recruit individuals from your country for us. We are open to collaboration!