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Job offers
ID: 3333

Employee at lunch box picking

New vacancy
Working specialties
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4100 - 7200 PLN
Working time
8-10 hours
Bojano, Pomorskie

Looking for men and women up to 60 years

Work hours:

from Sunday to Friday – one shift 6:00-14:00/16:00 + extra 2-3 hours for cleaning


  • Prepare dishes from the given ingredients. You need to measure the ingredients correctly on the scales for each box
  • Labeling containers
  • Packing containers
  • Cleaning the workplace
  • The work is not complicated and does not require special skills

We offer:

  • Possibility to work both on visa and visa-free regime
  • Zlecenya contract
  • State insurance
  • Accommodation
  • Multilingual coordinator
  • Medical examination
  • Health and safety training
  • Overalls
  • Housing: 18 PLN per day


  • Minimum knowledge of the Polish language

Additional fees:

  • Sanepid – 150 PLN deducted from the salary