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Important information


Workers’ rights in Poland: a guide for foreign labor migrants

In Poland, workers’ rights are protected Labor Code (Kodeks Pracy) and a number of other regulations. Knowing their rights helps workers secure fair working conditions and protect themselves in the event of violations.

Types of employment contracts

  1. Umowa o pracę (work contract)

    • Full benefits package: paid vacation, sick leave, pension and medical contributions.
    • Possibility of imprisonment for a specified period or indefinitely.
  2. Umowa zlecenie (agreement of agency)

    • Flexible conditions, but limited social guarantees.
    • Suitable for temporary or project tasks.

Working hours and holidays

  • For those looking for work in Poland, the standard work schedule is 40 hours per week
  • Our temporary employment agency in Poland will help you understand your rights and working conditions

Minimum wage

From 1 January 2025, the minimum wage in Poland is PLN 4,666 gross per month, an increase of PLN 366 compared to the previous year. The minimum hourly rate is set at PLN 30.50 gross. citeturn0search4

After deducting taxes and mandatory contributions, the employee receives approximately PLN 3,510.92 net (“in hand”).

This increase is aimed at improving the financial situation of minimum wage workers and reflects the government’s commitment to maintaining the standard of living of the population.

Occupational health and safety

  • Employers are required to provide safe working conditions and provide occupational safety training.
  • Employees have the right to refuse to perform duties if they threaten health or life.

Protection from discrimination and harassment

  • The law prohibits discrimination based on gender, age, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation and other factors.
  • An employee can file a complaint with the court or the labor inspectorate in case of discrimination or mobbing (psychological pressure).

Parental rights (on the mind o prace)

  • Maternity leave: minimum 20 weeks.
  • Paternity leave: up to 2 weeks, which can be used during the first 12 months of a child’s life.
  • Parental leave: up to 36 months, of which 1 month is provided exclusively to the father.

About the Author

Zdjęcie autora

Oleksandra Iievlieva

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