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Employment agency

Looking for a job abroad, particularly in Poland? KONO is a Polish employment agency that has been helping workers from Eastern Europe and around the world find jobs since 2015. We operate in accordance with Polish law, have all the necessary documents, and provide support at every stage – from job search to contract signing. We offer free job vacancies, document processing, accommodation, uniforms, transport, and medical examinations.

We ensure comfortable working conditions and have already helped over 10,000 candidates find jobs. Take a step towards a better future with KONO – contact us today!

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Looking for a Job?

We are an employment agency in Poland that offers official and legal employment, providing all necessary documents and support at every stage.

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Become a part of KONO!

Want to become part of our team? We are looking for remote recruiters who are true professionals in their field. If you have experience in talent scouting, can effectively communicate with candidates and clients, and want to work in a dynamic environment, we would be happy to collaborate with you.

Join our team and help us find the best specialists!

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Since 2015, we have been actively engaged in the employment sector for workers from the Near and Far East for Polish entrepreneurs. Our goal is to provide legal, high-paying jobs in Poland, offering all necessary documents, support at every stage, as well as assistance with transportation and finding accommodation.

Our coordinators and foremen work on-site, providing employees with support and assistance in solving everyday tasks. We ensure compliance with all Polish legal standards, creating comfortable working conditions and promoting the professional development of each employee.


Continuous development, the search for fresh solutions and the pursuit of excellence are the foundation of our success.

Become a part of our team and help us conquer new heights!

The numbers speak for themselves:


people employed


days worked




Do you need help? Contact us in person and visit one of our 3 branches. We are always happy to help!

  • Iława branch
  • Warsaw branch
  • Wrocław branch


Wide network of experienced recruiters, knowledge of the Polish job market, perfect job matching, support at every employment stage. Our priority is your success and job satisfaction.

Legal employment

Support in obtaining a residence card

We provide transportation and accommodation

Are you looking for a job?

Contact us and we will help you find

the right job for you!

Email icon
Phone icon
+48 604 316 316

Would you like to become our agent?

We are looking for Agents/Partners. You can become a part of KONO and recruit individuals from your country for us. We are open to collaboration!


Your salary is paid to your bank account by the 15th of each month. Your salary is usually paid in 2 instalments. It is important to note that you must have a bank account. For more information on remuneration, please contact our coordinators.

Brutto amount: This is your total salary before taxes and contributions are deducted. Brutto amount includes all elements that make up your salary, such as base salary, bonuses, allowances and other benefits.
Netto amount: This is the amount you receive in your account after taxes (income, social security) and other deductions, such as health or social security contributions, are deducted from the Brutto amount.
– Your contract specifies a gross amount of PLN X.
– Taxes and contributions will be deducted from this amount, and you will receive a net amount of PLN Y.
It is worth noting that the difference between the net and gross amounts is due to the current rules for paying taxes and social contributions.
If you have any questions about your salary or need further clarification, please contact the Finance Department.

Yes. Our company has a well-developed referral programme called “Recommend us”.

Most of our offers are designed for people without Polish language skills, and our coordinators are bilingual and can help you at any time.

Depending on the location. It can be paid or free.

Not always. Often the coordinator brings documents for signing.